Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Symphony

Time has been hard to come by. This isn't new, but I figured an old song is better than nothing. I'm working on a couple new problems including albums that would be available for download in their entirety. Keep your eyes open.

-The Prof

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Get Em Flies

Sorry for the small hiatus. Things got real busy for me all of a sudden and I didn't want to force anything. But I hope that you'll keep checking in as I get back on track.

Today's lecture is one I hope everyone will like, "Fireflies" by Owl City, with my favorite song from College Dropout, "Get Em High".

If you've given me a suggestion, send it to me again. I lost a lot of the stuff I was working on when my hard drive fell off my desk.

Study hard.

-The Prof

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pholsom Prison Blues

Today's lecture is more of a return to the norm of a one for one song. Just woke up this morning thinking Johnny Cash. And, in his time, he knew a thing or two about grinding. So enjoy today's song.

I also made a few more songs available for download, seeing as I haven't in a while. Lights, Tarzan, Action, Yoshimi and The Pink Robots, and I Want The Whistle can all be downloaded now.

Keep studying hard. Spread the word.

-The Prof

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday- Party On The West Side

Today's lecture comes from one of my longer mixes but it can stand on its own like Friday's. I hope everyone on spring break is enjoying themselves.

As always, keep spreading the word and send in your suggestions or requestions to ThePr0fess0rsAcademy@gmail.com.

Study hard.

-The Prof

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Mix

Today's lecture is a little mix I threw together with some songs I had heard on the radio today. It also includes some Gorillaz in preparation for the Monday release of their new album "Plastic Beach", which I'm excited for.

I know that a lot of my followers are going on spring break this week so have a good time and check in if you can.

Have a good weekend.

-The Prof

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday- Cape Cod Adi Dassler

Vampire Weekend vs Run DMC

Yesterday Questlove announced the lineup for the 3rd Annual Roots Picnic in Philadelphia on June 5th, and as always the lineup is stacked. Vampire Weekend is headlining with the Roots, but Quest also hinted at a reunion of Run DMC at the concert. So with that in mind, I started working on today's lecture.

Trying out a new sort of player. Let me know if you experience any problems, or on the flip side, if you want me to keep going with it.

Keep listening, Study hard.

PS. If you're in the Philly area, it's definitely worth getting tickets for the Roots Picnic.

-The Prof

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday- Made You Immigrate

Nas vs Led Zeppelin
Made You Immigrate by TheProfessor

Hope you had a good weekend. I saw The Roots in Atlantic City and they slightly influenced today's lecture. They've been known to play Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin as part of their show, so I slowed it down, put some extra drums behind it and put Nas' "Made You Look" over it. Great songs in their own right.

Keep spreading the word or sending in suggestions. If you've sent me one, I'm working on it.

-The Prof